How should I prepare my skin for a tattoo?

To ensure optimal preparation for your tattoo session, consider avoiding tanning beds for up to two weeks prior and minimize direct exposure to UV rays. This helps prevent skin sensitivity and dryness. In case of sunburn, it might be necessary to reschedule your tattoo appointment. There's no need to moisturize or shave your skin beforehand; I'll handle the hair removal.

What is a cost of a tattoo?

Tattoo costs vary depending on factors like size, style, and placement. Prices are determined by the actual hours required for the work. To get an estimate for your desired tattoo, it's recommended to schedule a consultation.

Does getting a tattoo hurt?

Yes, it does – as a needle injects ink into your skin. Pain levels vary based on the body part and individual tolerance. Tattoos on the outer arm or thigh are typically less painful, while areas like ribs, back, elbow or knee creases can be more intense. Arrive relaxed and well-rested for your tattoo appointment, and consider eating beforehand to manage pain.

Can I bring my own design?

Certainly, you can bring a design or image to illustrate your tattoo idea during the consultation. If it's original and suitable for tattooing, there's no issue. Otherwise, I can create a unique tattoo based on your concept.

Can I get an appointment spontaneous?

Not completely spontaneously, but customers often cancel and you can then clarify by phone in advance whether there are still appointments available. So, just give me a call.

I am not yet of legal age, can I still get a tattoo??

It's quite simple - no.

Can I bring someone to my appointment?

In principle, you can bring someone with you to the appointment, but it depends on the length of the session. Visitors get bored quickly, walk around or talk incessantly. This disturbs the concentration and possibly the quality of the work.

How far in advance do I have to cancel?

Please cancel at least 72 hours in advance.